
Do Dogs Like to Ride in Strollers?

Posted by Andrea ,Aug 14, 2023
Do Dogs Like to Ride in Strollers?

Well do they?

When it comes to taking our furry friends on outings, we often find ourselves torn between the desire to spend quality time with them and the need to prioritize their safety and well-being. In recent years, dog prams have become increasingly popular among pet owners. But do dogs actually enjoy riding in strollers, or is it just a human convenience? In this blog, we will explore the topic and shed light on whether dogs truly appreciate the experience of being pushed in a dog pram.

Understanding a Dogs' Perspectives

To assess whether dogs enjoy riding in prams, we need to understand their natural instincts and behaviour. Dogs are descendants of wolves and are hardwired with certain traits, including a deep love for their pack, physical activity, exploration, and social interaction. They have evolved to walk, run, and roam freely, using their keen senses to explore their surroundings. These activities are as beneficial for their mental health as they are for their owners. They are fiercely loyal and will stick with their pack until a cat or bird appears and they are seemingly deaf to whistles and have forgotten their name while in hunt mode.
 dog prams

Factors to Consider

 Comfort and Safety 

One of the primary reasons pet owners opt for pet strollers is to ensure the comfort and safety of their dogs, particularly for smaller breeds, senior dogs, or those with health issues. Dog prams provide protection from extreme weather conditions, potential hazards on the ground or hot pavements, and aggressive animals. Additionally, strollers with proper padding and suspension systems provide a comfortable ride.

Temperament and Personality

Dogs have unique temperaments and personalities, and their preferences for riding in strollers may vary. Some dogs may feel anxious or confined when placed in a stroller, while others may find it comforting to be close to their owners and experience the world from a different perspective. Understanding your dog's individual preferences is crucial in determining whether they will be content in a dog pram.

Social Interaction

Dogs are social animals, and being close to their owners is often a source of comfort and security. Dog prams facilitate this connection to their human companions, listening in on conversations and enjoying a shared experience. For some dogs, this social interaction may be a positive aspect of being in a dog pram that can double up as a cosy bed and safe mobile den.
Dog Pram

Familiarization and Training

Dogs are creatures of habit and may need time to adjust to new experiences, including a positive introduction to their dog pram. Proper familiarization and reinforcement training can help dogs associate their stroller as a rewarding experience, making them more likely to jump right in when the time comes to go out for a walk or a day adventure exploring. Read more on tips on how to train your dog to use a stroller. 

Signs That Indicate Enjoyment

While dogs cannot express their feelings verbally, they communicate through body
language and facial expressions. Here are a few signs that indicate a dog may be enjoying their stroller:

Relaxed Body Language

A dog that is at ease and enjoying the ride will exhibit relaxed body posture, with loose muscles, wagging tail, and ears in a natural position.

Curiosity and Engagement

Dogs that find the experience enjoyable will show curiosity and interest in their surroundings. They may sniff the air, tilt their heads to observe passing objects, or perk up their ears in response to sounds.

Contentment and Calmness

Dogs will appear content and calm while in a pram. They may rest or lie down comfortably, showing no signs of distress or anxiety.

 All things considered

Ultimately, whether dogs enjoy riding in strollers depends on various factors such as individual temperament, familiarity, training, and the overall experience provided. While some dogs may appreciate the comfort and close proximity to their owners, others may feel confined or anxious, not comfortable with the movement. Positive association and having the pram open and available for the dog to explore in your home before taking it out for a test run will assist to slowly introduce the new ‘thing’
 As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to understand our dogs' needs and preferences, and to provide them with positive experiences that cater to their well-being. It can be a great way to spend time together and explore the outdoors safely. However, if your dog shows signs of discomfort or distress, it is important to respect their boundaries.

 Interested in finding the ideal pram for your pooch? -> Check out our collection

 Read our Compare Dog Stroller Guide

 Dog Stroller & Carrier Ideas for Small & Toy Breeds 

There are many travel options for your sweet fur baby from strollers to carriers for planes, cars, trains or walking adventures.  Important to consider your dog's weight and size to ensure you choose a stroller or carrier that will be comfortable for both of you. Click below for some ideas for travel products

Dog Travel Products for Small Breeds


 Dog Stroller & Pram Ideas for Medium Breeds 

 Browse some ideas for strollers and prams for medium dog breeds like Basset Hounds, Bull Dogs, Cocker Spaniels', Whippets, Poodles, and Collies. Featuring comfortable cabins and rear suspension so they can lie down and enjoy the view and ride in their chariot wherever you go. 
  Dog Travel For Medium Breeds


 Dog Stroller & Pram Ideas for Large Breeds 

 Large dog breeds can be tricky to find the best solution when it comes to mobility and travel. Instead of leaving them behind, browse some ideas for getting them out and about in a stroller or bike trailer so they can join in on the fun. Travel blankets and the worlds first temperature regulated blanket for doggies with arthritis or nervous conditions. 


Dog Travel Collection for large breeds